Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cebu's first IT incubation facility gets DOST support

CEBU, Philippines - The Technology Business Incubator (TBI), which is the first IT incubation facility in Cebu, is set to go full swing, after getting the full support of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST).
The TBI at the University of the Philippines Visayas Cebu College (UPVCC) provides both office space and services, where technology based start-ups can be nurtured and given knowledge and skills to succeed.
In a press conference, UPVCC Dean Enrique Avila said that this year TBI, in partnership with DOST and other support organizations like the Ayala Foundation, will roll out its services components to the potential techno-preneurs.
TBI Incubator manager Pauline Wade said that the establishment of the facility is one of the primary tools to arrest brain-drain, and promote “brain-gain” encouraging brilliant developers to start their own, and make their name in the world’s technology trade, rather than being employees of technology giant companies.
According to Wade, the incubator concept, just like what other countries are doing, is expected to lure more Filipinos to “come home again” and take advantage of their skills and become successful entrepreneurs.
UPVCC is one of the two universities in Cebu, which was given by the Commission of Higher Education (CHED) the recognition as “Center for Excellence” in Information Communication Technology (ICT).
Avila said that UPVCC is going to make IT as the anchor-course of the college. The TBI on the other hand, will provide a venue for students to pursue their innovations and software creations in order to be recognized in the market.
One of the concerns aired by the local techno-preneurs here, through the Cebu Software Development Association of Cebu (CebuSoft) is the continued piracy of brilliant developers by the technology giants, thus the local software development industry has remained struggling.

Source: The Freeman Cebu